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Community work & Outreach activities

"Taller de Atroacuarela"

I started “Astroacuarela”, aimed at teaching astronomical subjects through painting techniques. This workshop has been conducted for senior citizens at the “Casas del Adulto Mayor de la Municipalidad de Antofagasta” and it will soon be extended to the general public and children :) 


Mentor at the PROVOCA program

PROVOCA is an AUI/NRAO initiative that aims to increase the participation, retention and promotion of women and other underrepresented minorities in STEM

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"Ciencia para Todas" 

I was invited as one of the 8 distinguished female scientists from the Antofagasta region, to inspire girls for the "Ciencia para Todas 2023" competition. This is an initiative to promote STEM vocations of Fundación Ingeniosas  and Escondida BHP.

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